The past few weeks have definitely been a roller coaster. I realized that there have been times that I have not reacted the way I should when others have tried to serve me.
I have days where I feel like people do nice things so that they either look good to others, or to get people to like them, or to feel better about themselves. Ultimately, we want to do nice things out of love. But I'm beginning to see that all the other reasons are good reasons. At the end of the day, those reasons motivated us to show someone kindness. In the meantime, as we learn to become better and kinder, and we ask ourselves why we do what we do, our hearts change. And the more we show kindness, and the more we receive kindness, the more it will inspire us to love.
This morning, a friend did something as simple as send me an e-card. I love me some Hoops and Yoyo. It took a moment, it gave me a good laugh, and it was personal. No one else was going to see it. No one else was going to know what she had done. But they will now! lol. I am so grateful for all my good friends who reach out, who remember, and who inspire me to be a little better and love a little more.
And she is just one of many.